A Tumor Healed

Hi Pastor Ray, 

I spoke to you a couple of weeks ago about the healing of my benign tumor in my throat during the last healing service. My husband, Jim encouraged me to email you with my testimony. So at long last, I am doing so.

I am a Speech Pathologist working for San Diego Unified. I decided that I should go in for my annual checkup and made an appointment to see my doctor. My doctor informed me that I had a large tumor by my thyroid. I had some blood work completed and my thyroid was functioning properly. However due to its size, my doctor wanted to make sure it wasn’t cancerous (although he didn’t think it would be); but just to be on the safe side, the tumor was imaged by ultrasound and then the doctor decided to have it a biopsy completed. The doctor who performed the biopsy told me that my tumor was on the large size, about 1 1/2 inches in size. The results confirmed my doctors suspicions that it was not cancerous, but we should monitor it to see if it would grow. He also said I could have surgery to remove it. I was going to have it removed as it would sometimes press against my esophagus when swallowing, causing me discomfort.

Well shortly after, you lead us into praying for healing. I was standing in the gap for others, having forgotten to ask for healing for myself. You prayed specifically for tumors, as well as other things. I felt like a pinprick, like one popping a balloon or bursting a sac with liquid. But I didn’t think anything about it until I was driving home from church and began feeling my throat area for the tumor. It is similar to when you have something stuck between your teeth and your tongue constantly is trying to get at it to remove that foreign object. As I began feeling my neck,  and no longer felt the tumor, that I began to wonder if I had been healed…. and then began to believe I had been, to feel that wonderment, amazement, that God would touch me. I began to share with my husband that I had been healed and he suggested that I get it confirmed by my doctor.

So for some reason I didn’t call for the appointment immediately. I waited a couple of weeks until I got a letter in the mail saying that a doctor wanted me to try this drug in regards to my tumor. I made the appointment and went in. When the nurse asked me about why I was being seen, I shared with her that I believed I had been healed and I wanted the doctor to confirm it. She responded with “oh, the power of prayer!” And crossed her fingers.  Then the doctor came in and again I shared my story. He confirmed that the tumor was gone. He said that he needed to get back into praying as he had stopped praying. I agreed with him  then I thanked him and left.

God bless you Pastor Ray,

Heidi Kennedy


The Hope of Heaven