Come hang out with us!
We are so excited to see you at our Sunday morning and Tuesday night gatherings! We will be meeting on Sunday mornings 8:30am and 10:30am in the High School room at Maranatha Chapel, except for first Sundays and Wednesday nights at 6:30pm. Our gatherings include a combination of fellowship, worship, games, testimonies and teachings.
Follow us on Instagram @ConnectHSG and sign up for our Remind group for the latest updates!
Welcome Home.
Join us at Maranatha for weekend services!
We meet as a high school group in the C-Building during 2nd service, except for the first Sunday of each month.
Follow us @connectHSG
Contact us.
High School Ministry
THE HIGH SCHOOL ROOM is located on the second floor of the youth building. It is positioned opposite the Fellowship Hall building and on the southeastern part of campus.
*No youth service on the 1st Sunday of each month
8:30 am - 10:00 am
10:30 am – 12:00 pm
LIVING ROOM 5:30 pm – 6:25 PM
POST HANGS 8:00 pm — 9:00 PM
Connect is the High School group at Maranatha Chapel.
Our goal at CONNECT is to help High School students cultivate a relationship with God through Jesus Christ that lasts long after graduation day.
One of the goals we have as a High School Group is for students to have a renewed & right PERSPECTIVE of God, themselves, and the world around them. We believe that the Bible gives us insight into how we should see God, ourselves, and the lost world in which we live. So, we emphasize Bible teaching and study within the High School Group.
Our Sunday morning gatherings allow students to connect with their peers, worship God in song, and hear from God through the teaching of Scripture. We believe Scripture reveals God’s character to us, displays His eternal plan, reveals the truth about our sin and Savior, speaks life and value over the lives of individuals, molds us into the likeness of Jesus, appeals to us to love one another, and places compassion in our hearts for the world around us.
One of the goals we have as a High School Group is to connect students with the MISSION of God for the world in which they live. We believe that Scripture teaches us that those who believe in Jesus are not just citizens of heaven, but also ambassadors of heaven. Our goal is to combine teaching that affirms our role in advancing the Kingdom of God and offer ways to do that practically: campus ministries, serving our homeless community in San Diego, serving within middle school and children’s ministry, relational evangelism training, missions opportunities, ETC.
One of the ways we teach students to live on MISSION is by taking them on a mission trip. Each year the High School Group seeks to provide one domestic and two international mission trip options for students to consider. We hope that each student would participate in a trip by the time they graduate.
We have three reasons for our youth mission program. We believe that Jesus was the first missionary and left us an example to follow (John 3:16-17). We believe that Scripture teaches us to go on the mission field (Matthew 28:19, Romans 10:13-15). And we believe that going on a mission trip teaches us how to live on mission; we return unable to keep the same schedule, but fighting to keep the same mindset – that we are on a mission for Jesus Christ.
We desire that students will LEARN what God is doing on a global scale. We take time to PRAY for those who are faithfully serving God both on the foreign and domestic mission field. We hope students would be motivated to GIVE their time, talents, and even finances in support of what God is doing. And we desire to give students the opportunity to GO and see firsthand what God is doing all over the world!
One of the goals we have as a High School Group is to connect students with a COMMUNITY of their peers to experience life and God together. We believe that God has created us to be relational people; in other words, for us to experience life the way God intends us to, we need to be connected to a community of like-minded people. We hope that any student that walks through our doors would have the opportunity to build relationships that would be a source of joy and encouragement in their journey with Jesus. Our Tuesday Night Gathering is formatted specifically to connect students with some of their peers. We spend time hanging out, playing games, having group discussions, worshipping together, praying for one another, and connecting through small group ministry.
We have students that represent more than a dozen different schools; however, we come together with the commonality being Jesus' active work in each of our lives. Our group will never be a perfect place, but we do believe it to be a wonderful place for a student to meet with God and connect with others who are also passionate about their pursuit of God.
In addition to our Sunday morning & Tuesday night gatherings, our group has many other scheduled events throughout the year: service projects, broom-ball, holiday parties, beach days, day trips, ETC. Our biggest event and often the best way to connect with students within our group is via our Annual High School Summer Camp. Each year in July, we take students away for a week together often in Big Bear, where we spend time with God. It is always a fantastic week, and again, a great way to connect to students and leaders within our group!
Your best way to keep up to date and connected to the High School Ministry is to connect with us via our Social Networking pages.
One of the goals we have as a High School Group is to connect students with a DISCIPLESHIP relationship to encourage and support them. We have a team of adult leaders, including some of Maranatha Chapel's staff and volunteers from within the church family. The goal for our leaders is to provide wisdom, encouragement, and support for students as they walk with Jesus through their High School experience.
We strongly believe that the more Christ-centered positive relationships and connections we can help to build into students' lives, the greater the work that God does in them while they are a part of the High School Group. We believe that those relationships set a course and provide guardrails that help students to navigate their time in college and beyond.
If you are a student that is looking for adult mentorship & encouragement, please send an email to Drew.
Prayer Requests - Connect HSG